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Absolute power corrupts absolutely!

In 1932, Adolf Hitler ran for office as Chancellor of Germany in a democratic government just like America.  Using all kinds of political promises and used the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) to show support and back him.  The NSDAP would need a considerable amount of money to ensure victory.  It was all about how much money was neede to secure his election, and joseph Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda minister  said "Radio and press are at our disposal, even money is not lacking this time."  (Sound familiar? Except we have television and other media now, and Obama spent a fortune campaigning both times)


In January of 1933, Hitler became Chancellor and after his election, Hitler abolished the labor unions.  Soon after, he announced new elections and the Nazi Party (National Socialist Party)  took power.Thousands of members of the Social Democratic party and Communist party were arrested  and sent to recently opened concentration camps.  They were called this because they "concentrated" the enemy into a restricted area.  Hitler made himself Dictator of Germany for life and Paul von Hindenberg supported his dictorial powers.


What could stop this from happening today right here in our country

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