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Beyond Deceit

Well, it looks like our great and fearless leader is at it again with the UN gun treaty.  He wants our guns no matter what it takes to get them. All fanatics, dictators, fascists, socialists and self appointed rulers want to disarm the public so the public can never rise against them.  This is not about us having guns to hunt with, this is not about us having guns for self protection, this is not about us collecting guns or even having guns to overthrow an out of control government.  This is about our president swearing to protect and defend the constitution "SO HELP HIM GOD" when he was sworn in "Twice"  The rat bastard wants us to be dependent on government handouts and unarmed.  If we don't do his bidding, we won't get our food stamps, or healthcare, or housing, or any fundamental human needs. 


And, just like in Nazi Germany, everyone wants to be in the presidents favor and not ruffle any feathers.  And just like in Nazi Germany, if we don't pull our heads out of our asses,  we will end up in concentration camps, mental hospitals, jail, prison or missing.  We need to pay attention and fight this would be king!!  



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